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Survival Tips For New Moms by Dr. Segura

Survival Tips For New Moms by Dr. Segura


SURVIVAL TIPS FOR NEW MOMS and those that love them!


1.  Take a nap whenever you can! You’ll need naptimes as much as your baby does!


sleeping baby


 2.  Get some fresh air with your baby! It’s okay to go outside, even that first week, as long as you are practicing social distance, the weather is not too hot or too cold, and your baby is covered from the sun!


3.  Expect to feed your newborn around the clock! Housework can always wait!


4.  Try to take a shower every day! It sounds so simple but it’s so easy to live in your pajamas and robe all day long for days at a time. Taking a shower not only helps you feel clean but also signals a new day and helps you feel refreshed.


5.  Say yes to help! Ask your partner.  If a friend or family member wants to drop off food or send you a gift! Always say yes!


6.  Breastfeeding is hard! It takes time and patience and lactation consultants are amazing! Take advantage of your access to them while in the hospital. After you are discharged, you may need to make a follow-up appointment! They can help with your latch as well as making sure your baby is transferring the milk they need!


7.  Continue to eat three meals a day, hydrate with lots of water, and take your prenatal vitamins if you are nursing! Have your partner help with meal prep!


fruit salad


8.  It’s okay to feel frustrated and you don’t need to love every minute! Having a newborn is beautiful and exhilarating but also exhausting and sometimes boring.


9.  We are all winging it at times! Even as a pediatrician, I was learning new things about my newborn that I never learned in my medical training or in clinical practice.


10.  Trust yourself and your instincts mama! You’ve got this!





Dr. Florencia Segura, MD, FAAP is a board-certified pediatrician, advocate, and mother. She is a Children's National Medical Center trained pediatrician who works at Einstein Pediatrics in the Washington, DC suburbs ( She draws on her experience as a mom and a pediatrician to bring her patients relevant up-to-date information about parenting and child health! 

She previously worked at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) as an academic pediatrician and educator to the University of Pennsylvania medical students and CHOP residents before moving back to the DC area. 
Dr. Florencia Segura is a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics, a child health expert for numerous news agencies and podcasts including the New York Times, Yahoo, Healthline, Romper, and MomBrain. Most importantly, Dr. Segura is a committed advocate for children. 
Want to get more tips?
You can follow Dr. Segura for more tips on Instagram @DrFlorenciaSegura or say hello on LinkedIn, Florencia Segura 
Dr. Segura and family in Washington DC



Dr. Segura and family in Washington, DC


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