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Meet Team Birdie
Our summer interns are heading back to school and we're going to miss them SO much! They've been an amazing asset to Little Birdies and much of the blog content, social media posts and graphics have been contributed by this awesome team. Here are a few fun facts to get to know Kyra, Haley and Maddy better until we see them again next year!

Tell us about yourself!
I am a rising junior at W.T Woodson High School, and I'm interning with Little Birdies in hopes to help their social media endeavors. I started a photography business that helps nonprofits publicize themselves, and I love making videos in my spare time! I like to bike around and walk my dog, Pilot.
What was your biggest mistake in the kitchen?
Once I forgot to lock the bowl into the mixer before turning the mixer on, so when I turned it on the bowl and the flour flew everywhere! It took a long time to clean, but now I'll always remember to be careful with the mixer.
What’s the most useless talent you have?
Ability to recite the 50 states alphabetically. (Is that a talent? If not, I can make semi-real cat sounds as well).
What “grown-up” things do you do?
I love making time dependent schedules, labeling things in my room, planning out seemingly minuscule details. I also enjoy sewing and I drive really slowly.
What mythical creature do you wish actually existed?
I do think it'd be interesting to see a mermaid, and since most of the ocean is unexplored, maybe they do exist!
What was cool when you were young but isn’t now?
Silly Bandz, I had 200 of them.
Tell us about yourself!
I am a junior in college studying Information Systems. I am doing Marketing for Little Birdies, which isn’t on brand with my major but it’s a lot of fun! I live on the Chesapeake Bay so I enjoy boating, fishing, and jetskiing.
What’s your worst example of procrastination?
I was supposed to read The Great Gatsby for summer reading in high school but I never finished the book and I gasped when I watched the movie in class. Everyone knew what was going to happen but I was shocked. Do your summer reading everyone!
What’s the worst movie trope?
Dumb blonde; it made me sad when I was a kid because all the boys had heroes and I just had to watch someone who looked like me mess everything up.
What food do you crave the most?
Pad Thai or dark chocolate covered almonds. I have eaten both today.
What word do you always misspell?
Restaurant, that word still autocorrects for me.
What’s the most boring superhero you can come up with?
I guess this is kind of boring but I would like a superhero who could floss my teeth for me.
Tell us about yourself!
I’m a junior in college majoring in Media Studies and minoring in Psychology. I love cooking and baking, trying new restaurants, and fashion. I love the store because it’s so bright and cheery, and I get to meet and talk to new people every day!
Would you rather be really average at guitar or the best triangle player in the entire world?
Really average at guitar. You can play more songs and I like the sound better.
When you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up?
An FBI Agent. I loved watching crime shows and the idea of being a secret agent.
What is your Go-to Georgetown restaurant for lunch?
Chaia, a vegetarian taco restaurant with my favorite tacos ever (this is high praise because I am a serious taco connoisseur). My favorites are the mushroom taco and the creamy kale and potato. They have great drinks; get the cherry shrub if they have it!
What’s the worst thing you’ve bought?
Clothes that didn’t fit and I couldn’t return. Definitely a mistake.
What fictional character would be the most boring to meet in real life?
Daisy Buchanan from The Great Gatsby. She was so indecisive.
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